Saturday, February 16, 2008

Cyber Conjunction...What's that?

Have you ever entered a party, or meeting, or other social gathering and noticed the people interacting with each other? Have you ever wondered how to enter into the setting? Do you barge your way in, do you wait to be invited, or do you just hang around the periphery, waiting for the right momemt to join in?

This doesn't only happen in real life. It happens every minute of every day in homes and offices, on planes, trains, and in automobiles, in town squares and on street corners all across the globe. All of these chance encounters, occurring in the vast domain of social websites, blogs and other cyberspace exchanges are Cyber Conjunctions.

So where do we begin to explain Cyber Conjunctions? How can we better understand the similarities and the differences between our real life and our on-line social engagements?

It may be useful to start by trying to define Cyberspace and Conjunction. Cyberspace is a term used to describe a non-physical domain created by computer systems that create space. Where machines, people, or avatars can communicate with one another via email, dialogue box, blog, chat, text, do research and collaborate, play games, or simply window shop. Like physical space, cyberspace contains objects (files, messages, graphics) and different delivery devices (audio, video, text). Unlike real space, exploring cyberspace does not require any physical movement other than pressing keys on a keyboard, pushing a stylus, providing auditory commands to our cars or phones, or moving a mouse or touchpads.

Conjunction refers to the words that we use to connect parts of a sentence. The words, actions and norms useful in determining how to join sentences "CyberConjunctions" can be applied in cyberspace, enlivening social and cyber settings and enriching human and machine interactions. CyberConjunctions are the physical and non-physical devices, terms, channels and social norms that are used to connect machines and people with other machines and other people.

While some are satisfied spending an evening at home, alone, eating ice-cream right out of the box, playing computer games, watching classic sports re-runs on TV, or reading a good book. Others aren't happy unless they're out on the town, mixing it up with others; they're joiners and they just can't help themselves.

CyberConjunctionists love to mix it up, interact, debate, or just hang out in social networking sights, blogs, media sharing outlets or other on-line exchanges. For many, the approach to joining in these settings depends on their particular skills, their assessment of the situation and their passion for the subject at hand. For CyberConjunctionists it's not just about promoting thought, sharing persepective or just having fun, it is about trying to make a difference in the lives of others.

This blog is designed to engage cyberconjunctionists in building bridges and enabling social reforms that will protect the freedom of thought and expression that is engendered in cyberspace. I look forward to the exchange. Let the games begin!

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